
FOR IMMIDIATE RELEASE Constitutional Changes Threaten State Building and National Unity Ref: PDF/01424 April 1, 2024

Puntland Diaspora Forum waxa ay si adag uga horjeedaa wax ka badalka dastuurka oo ay sida degrdegga ah u meel mariyeen Barlamaanka Federalka.

WAR-SAXAAFADEED Ka digis talo-maroorsi iyo ku xadgudubka Dastuurka Dalka.

WAR-SAXAAFADEED Taageero Geedi-Socodka Dimoqraadiyaynta Puntland.

War-Saxaafadeed: Hadaladii Madaxweyne Xassan iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Hamza.

  • Stronger
  • United
  • Peaceful
Puntland seeking advancement and development.
Baaq: Xabad joogin iyo wada xaajood ku aadan mashaqada Boosaaso.

Baaq: Xabad joogin iyo wada xaajood ku aadan mashaqada Boosaaso.

Uncategorized 2021-12-26 219

Baaq: Xabad joogin iyo wada xaajood ku aadan mashaqada Boosaaso. Tixraac: PDF/MDC/01255  Gollaha Qurbajoogta Puntland (PDF) wuxuu aad uga xunyahay dagaalka ka dhacay Xarunta Ganacsi ee  Puntland ee Boosaaso.  Golluhu wuxuu ka tacsiyaynaynaa dhamaan cidii ku wax yeelowday dagaalkaasi, cidii ku dhimatayna naxariis Eebe u rajaynayna, cidii ku dhaawacantay ciidan iyo shacabna u rajayn

Our Mission:

Our mission is to engage and empower Puntland diaspora community and harness their talents, expertise and resources to advance the state of Puntland.

What We DO

Puntland Diaspora Forum (PDF) is an international non-governmental organization addressing the interests and needs of Puntland State of Somalia, Somali Federal Government and Puntland communities throughout the world.

How We Do

Puntland Diaspora Forum work with State of Puntland to find and meet the needs of the communities in Puntland.
Puntland Diaspora Forum creates meaningful partnerships with other organizations, Institutions, City and State agencies, to bring programs, services, and additional resources to address the needs of the community back home.

In addition, Puntland Diaspora Forum holds annual summit. To foster engagement, commitment and discuss on the directions of the NGO.

Why We Do

Puntland Diaspora Forum aims to bring immediate relief to those in need throughout the Somalia while creating and sustaining relief reliance.
We seek to create innovations and develop resources to secure future generations’ health, wealth, and education.
Puntland Diaspora Forum hopes to equip future generations with the right tools to continue to build a socio-economic system where every citizen can participate according to their talents.

Our Vision:

The core vision of PDF is to witness secure, stable and well-developed Puntland State of Somalia, where its constituency lives in peace and prosperity.

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